I fell in love with a $20 replica White Clad ice box off Craigslist. I thought it would make a great addition to our basement as an end table. Here is how I did it: 1.) I started by removing the door and all the hardware.
2.) I cleaned the hardware and spray painted these pieces with a satin black spray paint specifically for metal. I allowed them to dry and cure for a few days while I worked on the rest of the ice box. 3.) Stripped the entire ice box using stripper and sandpaper. 4.) I decided I didn't want the top to be the same finish as the sides and the door. So I taped off the top of the ice box to protect it from the primer. 5.) Primed the sides and door of the icebox and allowed everything to dry as recommended on the primer packaging. 6.) I painted 2 coats of a satin charcoal paint recommended for wood surfaces. I allowed 6 hours of drying time in between coats. 6.) Once the paint was dry I distressed the edges of the door with a fine grain sandpaper. 7.) Distressing the door left it sandy. So I cleaned the surface with a damp towel. 8.) After the surface was dry I went over all of the painted surfaces with a satin polyurethane and allowed everything to dry for 24 hours. 9.) Once everything was dry I removed the tape from the top of ice box. I then proceeded to stain the surface with Hickory wood stain. 10.) I did two coats of stain and allowed to dry over night. 11.) I finished off the top with 2 coats of tungs oil. 12.) Once everything was dry, I put all the hardware back on and PRESTO! Now I have an end table. :)
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